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                11 instrotek

                Founded in 1965 , CPN International Inc. (former Campbell pacific Nuclear Company), the first manufacturer to design and produce all kinds of nuclear density and humidity testers in the world. In 1998, it renamed CPN International Inc. . In the past nearly forty years, the performance and technics of nuclear instruments and other products have been a ?leading role in the world.

                CPN Company entered Chinese market in 1985, nuclear instruments of CPN have been extensively applied in construction of tens of thousands of civil engineering projects including highways, railways, water conservancy projects , airport runways, ports, power plants and more. Testing instruments of CPN company are comprehensively applied in large-scale projects, including the Three Gorges dam , the Yellow River Xiaolangdi, dam construction of great rivers and more. They also are applied in railway engineering, etc, such as Qinhuangdao-Shenyang high-railway, Qinghai-Tibet railway, Beijing-Shanghai express railway Shanghai International F1 Circuit and most newly built highways and more.

                At the end of 2008, CPN International Inc. and another American manufacturer of road engineering testing instruments ,InstroTek, merged together, smoothly realizing the cooperation of the two powerful companies. At present, product users of CPN and InstroTek international company are all over the world , more than 3 thousand only in China.
